Premium Technical Illustration
Illustrations That Deliver Value
Technical illustrations are used to convey important information and are consistent with the Beauty Care industry standards. HD illustrated key features for the Biore Skin Preservation line and brought attention to the key features of each Biore product. Technical illustrations are valuable, and can be utilized in package art, instruction sheets, and advertisements, among others.

Fit System
Package Design & Branding
As owner of the newly created Mommy Muscle fitness series, fitness instructor Mary Beth Knight was looking to develop a brand identity for her line of exercise equipment that would both attract her target audience of new moms while also emphasizing the benefits of her exercise system. We created a look that highlighted both the fun and unique aspects of using this product for everything from DVDs to the trade show exhibit.

Fit System
Trade Show Exhibit
We designed a trade show exhibit for the Las Vegas Fitness Expo that showcased Mary Beth Knight’s fitness products. The exhibit highlighted the fun and beneficial interaction between mom and baby while exercising.

Drill Illustration
Informational Graphics
Reinforcing good data and descriptions with visuals can tremendously increase the chances of the communicating an idea, as well as increase the retention of the information. This illustration was used to gain sponsors for a well digging project in Jos, Nigeria. Vineyard Community Church was in the process of digging their 23rd well, bringing clean water to Nigerian villages.

Winter Equestrain Festival
Perfect Prep Gold Ad and Logo Design
The 2011 Winter Equestrian Festival is a key venue for Perfect Products to showcase new and existing product lines. The Perfect Prep Gold ad that ran in the WEF program needed to speak to the premium and professional clientele that Perfect Products serves. The new Perfect Products logo elevated the brand identity to match the sophistication of the event.